Friday, September 20, 12:45 pm – Mountain Lakes Library
Speaker Jim DelGuidice – Subject – Morris County USA – A Living Tapestry – Recounting stories of the county’s most famous and not-so-famous historical characters.
Friday, October 18, 12:45 – Mountain Lakes Library
Speaker Michael Britton – From The Alliance for New Jersey Environmental Education (ANJEE). Subject – Global Warming.
ANJEE was established in 1985 to provide a networking forum for New Jersey’s environmental educators. We are an organization of dedicated individuals who devote time, energy, and resources to facilitate the advancement of environmental education in our local, state, and global communities.
Friday, November 15th, 12:45 – Mountain Lakes Library
Katerina Cook – American Hearing Center – Free Hearing Screenings
Lauren DelVecchio – Clear Captions – Phone and captioning service provided at
NO COST through a federally-funded program
Morris County Freeholder Stephen Shaw will be speaking about County programs available to all residents.
Steve Shaw is a lifelong resident of New Jersey and has lived in Morris County for more than five decades.
Weather permitting the meeting will be at the Island Beach Pavilion. Masks required.
If weather is inclement, Zoom link will be provided.
Zoom Meeting on Cyber Security
Friday, November 20, 1:00 pm.
Topic: Google, Facebook, and other websites and apps are “free”, but rake in billions of dollars per year in profit. How do these companies make money? Join us in understanding how the digital ecosystem works, how these companies turn a profit, and how to protect yourself while interacting and using these websites and apps.
Resident, Khizar Sheikh is a cybersecurity, privacy, and data use attorney who provides advice to clients across industries from emerging growth companies to publicly traded, global organizations. Khizar has been a resident since 2007 with his wife Nadia and two teenage sons. He has been an active volunteer for Mountain Lakes, and has served as Environmental Commission Chair, Zoning Board Vice-Chair, Economic Development Committee member, and little league coach.
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Alex Laurenzi & Friends
Jazz on the Beach