Placement and Listing on the Mountain Lakes Website
The policy for inclusion or being listed on the Mountain Lakes Website is restricted to the following:
- All Borough government functions including administration and council
- All Borough departments and boards
- All Borough Services
- Borough Public Safety Departments – Police, Fire, Health, Office of Emergency Management
- Borough Committees and Commissions
- Mountain Lakes Schools – public, private, and pre-school
- Mountain Lakes Public Library
- Houses of Worship
- Borough Community Organizations that fit the following criteria:
- Involve and/or be operated/managed by town residents
- Operate as non-commercial/non-profit organizations
- Provide a mission that provides a service to the community
Any new Community Organizations wishing to be included or listed on the Mountain Lakes website needs to meet the above criteria and be reviewed and approved by the Communication Advisory Committee.
Website Access for Content Updates
The Borough website has been designed using WordPress so that it can easily be updated, revised, edited or content added as appropriate. Those to be designated for access to the website will be determined by the borough manager along with the respective borough departments and boards, and by each individual committee/ commission. Each of those designated will have access only to their sections or pages that correspond to their job function, department, board, or committee/commission. They will be responsible for updating content, posting meeting minutes, and keeping current their respective pages. The Communication Advisory Committee will register and provide access instructions to each person designated as responsible for their group’s web section/pages. Any change in responsibility for a particular section/page must be provided to the Communication Committee so access granting can be revised. The following is a guide of designations for each website section/page:
Website Sections/Pages | Access |
All Borough government, departments, (including safety), and boards | Borough Manager, Borough Clerk and designated heads or chairs of all departments and boards |
Committees and Commissions | Designated heads or chairs of each |
Schools, Public Library, Houses of Worship, Community Organizations | Communication Advisory Committee Webmasters |
Calendars, News and Photo postings | Communication Advisory Committee Webmasters |
Postings of Events, News and Photos
The criteria for posting all calendar events, news posting, and/or photo submissionson the Mountain Lakes website is that such postings must involve and be of general interest or importance to borough residents, be associated with the Borough Government, its various borough committees, commissions, boards, or community organizations, be associated with a Mountain Lakes school (public, private) or sports activity, houses of worship, or an organization approved by the Communication Advisory Committee. Events or activities should take place in or near Mountain Lakes with certain exceptions such as a resident being involved in a volunteering initiative or organization. All events, news, and information to be announced must be posted on the Mountain Lakes town website as follows:
Calendar Event – Fill out the form on the website. Importantly, indicate on to which calendar the event should appear – arts, borough, events, recreation, or all. Communication Advisory Committee will review all calendar events submitted, approve, and then post. If there are any questions, if additional information is needed, or if the information intended for the calendar is inappropriate the submitter will be contacted. Calendar events and activities will appear until the event or activity is over. If this is a repeating event or activity it must be re-submitted and re-activated every 30 days.
News Posting – Fill out the form on the website. It is strongly encouraged that news stories submitted include photos as appropriate. Communication Advisory Committee will review all news postings submitted, approve, and then post. It there are any questions, if additional information is needed, or if the information posted is inappropriate for the website the submitter will be contacted by a committee representative. News postings will generally remain in place for approximately 2 weeks and be replaced as other more current news is posted. News stories being replaced may be considered for inclusion on other web pages/sections as appropriate.
Examples of News postings could include news involving Mountain Lakes, such as an important accomplishment by someone in town, a town resident being involved in a volunteer endeavor, a team winning a championship, or achieving a significant victory. Another example is an announcement of broad interest to the people of Mountain Lakes, such as new water usage rates or a new section or information on the website.
Photo Submission – Fill out the form on the website. Upload the photos along with a brief caption. Communication Advisory Committee will review all photos submitted, approve, and then post. It there are any questions, if additional information is needed, or if the photos posted are inappropriate for the website the submitter will be contacted by a committee representative. Photos placed on the home page will remain in place for approximately 2 weeks and will be replaced as other more current news is posted. Once removed from the home page, photos may then appear in the gallery section of the website.
Please note: The Mountain Lakes website will not publish any personally identifiable photos of a child or student without written permission or a statement of consent from a parent or guardian authorizing permission to post on the website.
Emergency Alert Banner
The emergency alert banner that will scroll across the home page is to be used only when important news, events, and emergencies need to be communicated to the borough residents. The emergency alert banner will be activated by or under the direction of the Borough Manager. Examples of uses of the emergency alert banner are school closings, weather alerts, road closings, etc.
Bulletin Boards and Electronic Sign
Bulletin Boards–The bulletin boards located in the Borough of Mountain Lakes administrative building and other facilities are intended for official notices regarding policies, procedures, meetings and special events. Only personnel authorized by the Borough Manager may post, remove, or alter any notice.
Electronic Sign – This policy will also apply to the Borough owned electronic signboard at the intersection of Boulevard and Pocono Road. Any message placed on this board must be approved by the Borough Manager, and/or his/her designee. All messages will be displayed in a timely manner, which provides residents with information regarding Borough events, programs, services, notifications and emergency information. Any request for a notice of special recognition for a person, group or event must be approved by the Borough Manager.
To have a message or announcement considered for posting on either the bulletin boards or electronic sign submit via the website either as a Calendar Event or News Posting.
Additional Materials or Content Not Acceptable for the Website
The Mountain Lakes website will not post the following information:
- Any form of classified advertising
- Any business advertisement or promotion
- Editorials or opinion articles
- Politically-oriented materials or articles
- Scheduling or announcements of specific religious services
- News, events, posting not related to Mountain Lakes and/or its residents
Website Disclaimer
Calendar events, news articles, flyers or photos in direct conflict with the Borough of Mountain Lakes’ policies and/or interests will not be accepted. Neither the Communications Advisory Committee, the Borough of Mountain Lakes, nor its varied departments, commissions and committees, necessarily endorses materials submitted to the Borough of Mountain Lakes website. The Communications Advisory Committee is not responsible for errors in submitted text, and reserves the right to edit articles for grammar, spelling or space considerations.