Volunteerism is at the core of our community
Whether you have a few hours or are interested in serving on a committee, there is a place for your time and talents. Brief committee mission descriptions are shown below. Click the link and visit a committee’s page to learn more and then email the Borough Clerk. Simply let us know what you are interested in.
Join a Committee:
Mountain Lakes is actively seeking volunteers from the community to fill vacancies on several of its committees and commissions. Throughout the year, or at a specific time of year, the Mayor and Borough Council review and appoint new members to commissions, committees or boards. Terms vary from 1-3 yrs of service, with the opportunity for reappointment. To learn more about term commitments, see Volunteering at a Glance.
Help where needed:
Mountain Lakes has opportunities to assist in almost every area. Let us know your talents and interests. Email the Borough Clerk and let us know what you are interested in.
Student Membership Volunteer Information:
For complete details please see Posting for Student Members of Borough Committees and Commissions
Committee Missions Overview
Finance Advisory Committee
Assists and advises the Borough Council on the following: it’s annual review and approval of all Municipal Budgets, major capital expenditure projects and financing (including borrowing), long-term projections and financing plans, financial and accounting policies, procedures and internal reporting systems, establishing Utility fee structures and rates, selection of Borough Auditor and review all Audit reports at least annually. Learn more.
HPC Committee
The Mountain Lakes Historic Preservation Committee strives to safeguard the buildings and public spaces that make Mountain Lakes a unique community and educates residents by collecting and preserving artifacts and stories that help tell the town’s history. The HPC is a Borough committee established by ordinance and charged with assisting the Borough Council with historic preservation aspects of the Borough’s Master Plan and advising the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment on applications for development. Learn more.
Lakes Management Committee
To advise and assist the Borough government in matters pertaining to the maintenance and restoration of the quality of the watersheds, lakebeds and waters of the Lakes of Mountain Lakes, including tributaries and estuaries. The Committee will study methods of Lake maintenance and restoration to develop a Management Plan for lake and watershed protection and improvement. This Plan will include a program for monitoring existing lake and watershed conditions and a system of record keeping which will enable year-to-year comparison of the quality of the Borough lakes and streams. Learn more.
Memorial Day Committee
The Mission of the Memorial Day Parade Committee is to plan and execute the Borough’s annual Memorial Day Parade & Ceremony. In addition, the Committee also shall offer our community the opportunity to recognize and honor the service of the Veterans and current servicemen and servicewomen of Mountain Lakes, Boonton Township and our Nation. Learn more.
Sustainable NJ – Green Team
As a sub-committee to the Environmental Commission, the Green Team focuses on working with other groups in town – The Borough Council, Departments, Commissions, Committees, clubs and schools – to help Mountain Lakes become more environmentally sustainable. We use the program Sustainable Jersey, completing actions for certification. Learn more.
Traffic and Safety Committee
The Borough of Mountain Lakes Traffic and Safety Committee is committed to the promotion and long term reduction of unsafe vehicular traffic, providing a pedestrian friendly environment and lessening the impact of traffic on the community. This committee of residents, elected and appointed officials will work together to study, propose solutions and plan for the implementation of approved traffic calming and pedestrian safety measures. Learn more.
Woodlands Management Committee
The mission of the Woodlands Committee is to consider and recommend to the Council such actions as may be appropriate to monitor, maintain and improve the health of the Borough’s woodlands. Learn more.
Environmental Commission
The Environmental Commission’s mission is to advise and educate the municipal government, the Planning and Zoning Boards, and the residents about environmental issues that impact the Borough.
Examples of Commission responsibilities include:
- Inform the planning and zoning boards of adjustment about environmental impacts of proposals for development
- Investigate environmental problems and offer solutions
- Inform residents on environmental matters including ways to help protect the environment
- Interact with neighboring commissions and other organizations to tackle regional and state problems
- Study and make recommendations concerning open space preservation, water resources management, air pollution control, solid waste management, noise control, soil and landscape protection, environmental appearance, marine resources and protection of the flora and fauna.
- Maintain an inventory of the natural resources of the community
Learn more about the Environmental Commission.
Health Commission
The Health Commission shall have the following duties: To make recommendations to the Manager concerning or relating to the operation and administration of the health function, to make recommendations to the Council concerning or touching upon matters of policy or ordinances affecting the health function, and to render advisory opinions, if requested, to the Council on appeal from an administrative ruling concerning health matters. Learn more.
Recreation Commission
To offer quality, affordable, and diverse recreational and cultural programs and facilities to the residents of Mountain Lakes of all ages and abilities. By providing these services to meet the recreational and leisure needs of the community, we will strive to enrich and to improve well-being and quality of life. Activities include a variety of Seasonal Youth Sports, Summer Sailing and Swimming Programs and Summer employment opportunities. Learn more.
Shade Tree Commission
The Shade Tree Commission of the Borough of Mountain Lakes is committed to the development, maintenance and promotion of a sustainable, safe and productive shade tree resource that benefits the physical, environmental and social wellbeing of the community, and preserves the historical climate and character of the borough. Learn more.
Planning Board
Established in 1931 the Mountain Lakes Planning Board is responsible for managing the Borough’s land use and its zoning, site plan and subdivision ordinances; it can be thought of as the Board of “permitted activities”. It reviews and approves applications for major and minor non-residential site plans and the subdivision of two or more building lots. As the “policy maker” it creates the official map of the Borough and adopts a municipal Master Plan to guide the use of lands within the Borough in a manner that protects public health and safety and promotes the general welfare. Every ten years, the Board reviews and updates the Master Plan. Learn more.
Zoning Board
Mountain Lakes Zoning Board of Appeals the Zoning Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body that handles requests to utilize property in a manner not consistent with Borough’s zoning laws. The Board principle duties are to hear appeals, to interpret the Zoning Officers decisions, to interpret the zoning map, to grant variances from the strict application of the zoning ordinances and to rule on application where the “use” is not permitted in the zone. The Board has the ability to grant exceptions to the zoning ordinances in cases where literal and ridged interpretation and enforcement would be a hardship or injustice. It is the Board of “non-permitted uses” granting variances for such things as parcel size, setbacks required, height, signs, building size, lot coverage, conditional uses and other such regulations. These requests are generally associated with the construction or alteration/addition of single-family dwellings and/or accessory structures. Learn more.
Borough Council
The Borough Council of the Borough of Mountain Lakes consists of 7 elected officials. Council Members are elected for 4 year terms from the population at large. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are chosen from within the Council by the Council at the Reorganization meeting the first week in January. Learn more.
Economic Development Advisory Committee
Attract businesses to Mountain Lakes consistent with the Master Plan. Make all efforts to retain businesses that reside in the Borough. Promote, as it relates to development, opportunities in sound, environmentally friendly appropriate housing. Consider rational approaches to development in areas of the community that are appropriate, such as transit oriented development, re-use of existing spaces and overlay zoning.
Affordable Housing and Fair Share Plan Advisory Committee
Assist the Borough Planner in preparation of the Borough’s third round Housing Element and Fair Share Plan (HEFSP). Finalize the third round HEFSP by the end of the first quarter of 2016. Identify and prioritize realistic opportunities for affordable housing. Monitor and report on court cases or actions of the court to appropriate groups within the Borough. Suggest possible funding sources to accomplish affordable housing opportunities. Communicate with the Borough Council on the progress made on the previously stated objectives. Learn more.