About the Finance Office
The Borough of Mountain Lakes Department of Finance is overseen by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and provides the coordination of all the Borough’s fiscal operations. It controls budgetary expenditures, administers the Borough’s debit and cash management programs, prepares year-end financial statements and makes recommendations to the Borough Manager and Borough Council with regard to financial policy.
Within the finance department are the following divisions: assessments, tax collection, water & sewer collection, and accounts payable.
The Tax Assessor is a State certified Assessor who determines the value and taxability of all properties in the Borough of Mountain Lakes. The Assessor’s field book, SR1As and tax maps are available for public viewing at borough hall.
The Tax Collector oversees and administers the billing and collecting of local taxes. Payments can be made by mail or in person during regular business hours. After hour payments may be deposited in the green drop box located in the parking lot at borough hall. Payments are due February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, and November 1st. There is a ten day grace period; payments received after the ten day grace period will be assessed a late charge.
The Water & Sewer billing office is located at borough hall. Water & Sewer bills are generated quarterly for all residents and businesses. Payments can be made in by mail or in person to the Tax Collector during the hours of 8:30 am – 4:30pm Monday through Friday. After hour payments may be deposited in the green drop box located in the parking lot at borough hall.
Additional Resources and Links
Morris County Board of Taxation Website: http://mcweb1.co.morris.nj.us/mcTaxBoard/
Applications for Senior Citizens, Disabled Persons, Veterans and their surviving spouses can be obtained in this office or online at: www.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/prntlpt.shtml
Information on the State of New Jersey’s Property Tax Relief programs can be obtained at:
For information on the Property Tax Freeze Program you can review the requirements and forms online at: Senior Freeze Application
Application for Appeal of Local Taxes can be obtained online at: http://www.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/pdf/other_forms/lpt/adomap.pdf
Application for Additional Assessment Added/Omitted Tax Appeal can be obtained online at: http://www.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/pdf/other_forms/lpt/adomap.pdf