Construction Official’s Hours
Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
Construction Technical Assistant’s hours
Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (July & August Summer hours 8am-3:3opm)
One of the most commonly asked questions of the Construction Department is what documentation is needed in order to apply for a permit. The answer to this question depends on what you are constructing. For example, the documentation for an addition is different than what is needed for a deck.
For some common construction projects, like decks, you will need to submit a survey that shows the location of the proposed deck, including the proposed distances to the property line, a construction plan indicating size, joist sizes, footing design, railing detail and stair design, along with the appropriate applications. Your completed application will then be submitted to the Zoning Enforcement officer to determine compliance with the Borough’s zoning laws. Once approved, it will be submitted to the Construction Department for review and permit processing. The entire process should take approximately five to seven working days, depending on the number of current applications.
For an addition to an existing structure, you will need to submit a survey showing location of addition to determine if it is in compliance with the zoning laws, a detailed construction plan indicating a framing design, plumbing or electrical plans and footing details, along with the appropriate application as in the above instructions for a deck. Completed applications will then be given to the Construction Department for processing.
All open permits must be closed out before a home or building can be sold.
The “One Call Law” requires that anyone digging must call 1-800-272-1000 so underground utilities can be marked out. You must wait three (3) business days for your mark out, and not more than ten (10) days before you start your project. Projects can vary from installing a mailbox post to building a house. Remember, it’s the law!
Remember, the Construction Department and the procedures outlined above exist to maximize your safety and protect your property and that of your neighbors.
Zoning Enforcement
Monday 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Thursday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
A Zoning Official has the responsibility to enforce local ordinances in the Borough. Zoning approvals would be required for additions, changes of use, and some alterations. If you are in doubt as to whether or not you need a zoning permit, please contact the Construction Department at 973-334-3131.